Sunday, February 1, 2009

Travel plans

I noticed that I have not given an overview of the travel plans. Here it is:
7.02 - St.Paul Minnesota - leaving Tallinn early morning and arriving in the cities at noon, will spend the day with Mare
8.02 - arriving in Duluth - leaving the Cities and arriving in Duluth, visiting with Nikki in Virginia Minnesota for 5 days
13.02 - leaving from Duluth, arriving in Kahului - spending the next 6 days in Hawaii, island of Maui
17.02 - luau :) - celebrating my friends birthday the Hawaiian way!
20.02 - Honolulu - spending the day in Honolulu and Pearl Harbor, leaving close to midnight to head back home
20.02-22.02 - spending couple of days on planes and airports on my way back home, arriving in Tallinn in the evening



Anonymous said...

AHHOI AMEERIKLIKULT ASJALIK ASKELDAJA !! "planning" on toredasti toimetatud, sest London istub teist nädalat lumes ja on kinni. Silvy reis soojale maale lükkus nädal edasi, sest neil oli planeeritud üle Londoni lend. Amsterdamist pole midagi ebaharilikku kuulda olnud.KERGET KÕRGUST!! KALLI - KALLI! MUSI- MUSI !!
Marka & mehed

Ave said...

Hey Dea,

wish you are having great time in US at the moment. Almost on the half way to the place where i am.

Have a nice trip and let us know how is it going there!

dea said...

Hei hei!!!
Jõudsin ilusti kohale, ilm ei tekitanud õnneks üldse probleeme... üle UK sõites nägin küll kõvasti lund jah :) ilus valge maa oli.
Kohe läheme välja lõunatama ja siis õhtul pidavat suur pidu tulema :D
Kallid kõigile!