Saturday, February 7, 2009


Last nights strong snow fall made me nervous, visibility was very poor and I was afraid that the snow piles will grow too big for the taxi to get to my house. But all went good, got to airport nicely in time and no problems with checkin. One of my course mates was on the same plane with me to Amsterdam - whatta nice coincident. On the first flight I saw one of the most beautiful sun rises ever.

Flights were fine in general, too bad that KLM does not have electrical outlets on every seat. At least each seat had personal screen and the movie list was quite good. Now the immigration though - that was tough - the guy was asking lots of questions composed of very long sentences with complicated words, phew. All turned out just fine of course, but it was kinda scary experience nonetheless. On US side the immigration was quick and easy though. And my bag arrived just fine.

Once in Minneapolis airport, Mare was there to meet me and then Hanno and his friend arrived just 5 minutes later. So nice to see Hanno after such a long time. Mare I saw over Christmas time in Tallinn. Now we are just sitting around chatting, getting ready to go and have lunch soon. As far as I understand there will be huge party tonight - wohooo!

It is so nice to be here though! So many details remind me of college times - kinda like going back in time, this is always good :) There is the usual list of things I want to eat while here, also things I want to bring back home and some things that others want me to bring back ;)

That is it for now, we are getting ready and heading out soon. I'll try to write again soon. Oh and my dad asked me to write less about airports and other less important stuff, he said I should concentrate more on important things that I would want to remember in the future - he is right of course. And I will try to pick topics more carefully in the future :)

Lots of hugs to all of you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

TORE!Suur kummardus kuulekale lapsele vanemate näpunäidete järgi tegutsemise eest ! Issu luges seda ääremärkust "tähtsate asjade" kohta kohe seistes. Ole sama tubli ja siledat sulge !!!
Kalli - kalli ! Musi! Marka & mehed