Wednesday, September 10, 2008

day 25 - third day in sapa - 10.09

By looking at the tours we picked a tour that goes north this time. It was a one day tour again, but this time we got to go by motorcycles :) Of course we were sitting on the back seat and had drivers - but cool nonetheless! We visited Ma Tra and Ta Phin villages where Red Dzao live. Also we took a little detour into a cave, apparently it was a very long one but as it was dark in there we did not go too far. As usual we stopped at some local homes, saw how they made their fabric and how they beat the rice on the fields. Ride back to Sapa was about 25 minutes.

Weather was beautiful, sunny, a bit too beautiful so we both got sun burnt a bit. I got a nasty pocket figure burnt right on my chest :-S , it will not be easy to tan this one even :(

In the morning we bought our train tickets to go back to Hanoi tomorrow night (train departs at 8:15 in the evening of 11th of September) and we will arrive to Hanoi early morning on the 12th. Then we have 2 days to look around in Hanoi. On the 14th early morning Riina will fly back home via Hong Kong and I will try to head south to Halong Bay to relax on the boat by the ocean for few days :)

After the tour today we were both exhausted, so we took a 2,5h nap :) showered and now we are looking around in Sapa. Will find a place for dinner and will indulge one more night in this scenic mountain village of Sapa. Tomorrow will try to sleep in, pack our bags again, look around in town and head over to the train station in the evening.


Anonymous said...


Nooooh, olete läinud siit Eestist, kus on tegeldud aastasadu põllumajandusega tänu suhteliselt heale maaviljakusele. Oleme ju eestlastena teada-tuntud põllumajanduslik maa, teadmisi küllaga. Nüüd on võimalus hiilata oma teadmistega:)
Minu küsimus järgmine: loomad, mis viimase fotoseeria peal on,´kas lehmad, pullid, mingid muulad ehk põhiliselt tööloomad, puhtalt lihaloomad või midagi muud?

Anonymous said...

Ah, mis neist veistest, aga liblikad olid eestlasliku värviga. Kas nad on suuremad kui Eestis? Mina nägin Himaalaja mäekurul, mis oli 12 km Hiina piirist, tohutu suuri musta- oranzi värvi triibulisi liblikaid. Oled selliseid suuri kolakaid kohanud ? M & M

Ave said...


wow, pics are great!!

Macons seems brilliant, and also those mountains and landscapes in Sapa. Awesom!

PS Do you miss home already..? :)

dea said...

peeter - need muulad v6i mis iganes tunduvad olevat ikkagi lihaks... mina neil ühelgi udarat ei täheldanud, vähemalt mitte sellist, mida lüpsta oleks andnud

ema - liblikad on mõned siin ikka lausa hiiglaslikud, kui selline mu peal peatuks siis vist kukuks küll pikali :)

ave - noh väheke on ikka koduigatsus, kuivade linade vahel oleks tore magada näiteks... siin kõik niiske igalpool
aga ma olen 2 nädala pärast kodus ja siis on jälle tappev rutiin tagasi, seega püüan siin olemist täiel rinnal nautida nii palju kui võimalik :)