Saturday, September 6, 2008

day 20 - general notes about Hong Kong vol. 2

One of the first things we noticed when arriving to Hong Kong was that we were not being stared at any longer! What a wonderful feeling. Hong Kong is full of all kinds of people - real mecca of cultures. Here are surprisingly lot of black people, I've seen lots of Arabic and Indian people, lots of Europeans and Chinese - so the whole world is here :) and I can't even say that there is any one of them dominating.

People are overly helpful here. On a first day we had just purchased our map and I knew the street we were on but I did not know the direction we were suppose to go to (and the first 3 street corners did not help us either) so we just stood there for a little bit with the map open while all the busy people were trying to get around and past us (and there was no place to stop as the whole city seems to be too crowded for stopping on the street :) ) and one guy just stops as well and asks if he could help us with something perhaps. So nice :) It happened again and again that they approach you on their own (speaking English!) even before you realize that you should maybe ask somebody - wonderful :) gives you this warm feeling like being looked after (by strangers) :D

Another thing is this whole taking in line business - Chinese don't know how to do that :) There are special people in train stations and ticket offices who coordinate people and organize them into neat queues when waiting for something. Strange isn't it. And when there is no coordinating person then we'd take into line after the last person while next thing we know is that one local comes and just walks by to the very front of the line and just starts standing there with the very first person. So after a while there are many of them up front there and they generate a pile of people. We saw it quite often and we just looked in disbelief.

I don't understand what is the thing with intenet here? We are having the hardest time finding internet cafes and getting access - hence the long break in postings :( Finding internet access is getting more and more difficult as we move on. It is probably even harder in Vietnam.

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