Saturday, October 3, 2009

Santa Cruz and Monterey Bay - 1.10

Luckily I got picked up close to 11 in the morning. That gave me plenty of time to get ready, pack and have a proper lunch. Drive to Santa Cruz was only about 45-50 minutes.

Surf city Santa Cruz was quiet. During off season there is not much activity as it seems like. Even the hand crafted carousel was not working, with the rest of the amusement park right next to the beach. Seals were working though :) There was tons of them - some playing in the water and the rest just laying around wherever they could find free spots, and if there weren't free spots then they just laid on each other :D

Luckily the weather was beautiful and just walking around the pier, beach and town was wonderful. Headed out after having lunch, down south, towards Monterey.

As expected I was in food coma all the way to Monterey Bay :) It is one of the most beautiful drives in the world and I just slept all the way through it. Jenny and Kristy promised that they won't let me sleep in the car any more :D Although tomorrow we'll get the rest of it and about 4 times as much and the best part as I was told, so no worries as Aussies say (I learned something while down there) :)

Monterey bay was great. There is this wonderful scenic route you can take in Monterey called 17 mile drive. It has one of the most famous and posh golf courses in US and even around the world on it. Check photos on more comments on the locations and information. Jenny's friend showed her the trick once on how to get most out of the scenic road - you go to all those golf club restaurants that have views to golf greens and you order some drink and snack. So we did :) Margaritas, Cosmos and other cocktails were flowing :D Arrived at the final location nicely by sunset - perfect timing on our part.

Marine life is pretty active around this area. During the day we saw whole lot of seals, sea lions and sea otters. Oh and squirrels! Plus pelicans and whole lotta other birds who I could not name :)

Last event of the evening was to find a place to stay for the night and dinner location. Decided to drive to the neighbouring city called Carmel by-the-sea. As I was informed, Clint Eastwood lives here and also has a restaurant. Didn't see him hanging out anywhere though :) Everybody being so tired from the long day, we did not look around whole lot and pretty much agreed to the first offer at one of the motels. Same with dinner :) All in all both worked out pretty nice in the end.

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