Thursday, September 18, 2008

day 33 - Ninh Binh, Tam Coc - 18.09

Today is my dad's birthday!!! Yay!!! Greeting already went on the way earlier :) Hugs will follow in a week.

Now about the day. As soon as the taxi stopped in the bus station there were 2 locals who basically climbed in the taxi through the window - wanting to know where I'm going to. Oh how annoying. So I shook them off and made my way to the ticket counter, bought one ticket to Ninh Binh. Immediately one of the guys grabbed my arm and started dragging me towards the buses - at this time I already yelled at him. Then he made me sit on one of the benches explaining something to me in Vietnamese, whatever, I thought to myself. Hotel told me that the bus will leave at 7:10, but on the ticket the time is written as 6:30, hmm. Apparently I was able to board the bus as the guy waved at me intensely. Bus left 6:33.

Comes out this guy is some sort of bus guy. He boarded the bus and was hanging halfway out of the door most of the journey, sticking his hand out and making very female like wave movements when we were passing some vehicles - strangest thing ever. He also dragged people onto the bus from the street - bizarre :)

Way from bus station to city center was nice and short. I found a hotel for myself quickly, it is a very nice one with huuuge rooms, so nice. My room is on the top floor and on its own wing aaaand I got wireless in my room! It is absolutely beautiful place :)

Anyhoo, went to do some research about the tours that I could take to Tam Coc and Hoa Lu. Research means going around and getting different offers. As there is no public transport going to those places I got stuck with renting a car or a motorbike with a driver. While I was in town conducting my research I ran into the couple from Netherlands :D They told about their tours experience here and also their adventures getting to town - got some good laughs and also useful information. They are leaving today though. About the tour - I chose to rent a motorbike with a driver as this is times cheaper than a car.

After having quick shower and even quicker lunch my tour started. I hopped on a motorbike and off we went. In Sapa the ride was fun, you barely had to even hold on to the bike, so I was not too worried. He was taking back roads as agreed in order for me to see the scenery. The journey was gonna be 8km. First kilometer was fine as we were going on a city street. Oh but then, oooh my, the road got really bad. I was sure that I will fly off the bike every 20 meters. The road had huge holes and cracks and rocks sticking out - it was a nightmare. He drove really carefully and all, but the road was just very bad. I was holding on to my seat with all my strength and after a while I could not feel my fingers. But I survived of course without falling off - but barely.

First we stopped at Tam Coc - scenic riverside with high rocks/cliffs sticking out of the ground like in Halong Bay, only this time it is all on land and to be viewed from a boat on the river. Boats are rowed by local ladies mostly, there was one rower for my boat, a very nice lady. It takes about 1 hour to go one way through 3 caves and the same way back - total about 2 hours. Lady was rowing away and I was clicking pictures like mad (again :) ) when all of the sudden the boat started rocking from one side to the other. So I looked over and the lady was rowing using her feet! I saw some others doing the same, it was neat! And the scenery was wonderful again of course.

Second stop was Bich Dong Pagoda situated just few kilometers away from Tam Coc. It was a temple built in front of a cliff, inside the cliff and on top of the cliff - it consisted of about 6 units all located on different levels and locations. Probably the most interesting temple I've been to yet :)

Evening is peaceful so far - ate dinner at the hotel, uploading pictures, writing posts and watching a movie. Will go to bed soon and sleep as long as possible tomorrow morning :D Tomorrow I'll be going to Hoa Lu by motorbike again :D


Anonymous said...

Tänan oennesoovide eest!

Anonymous said...

AHHOI ! Kuidas selline rattal raputamine Su seljale mõjub ? Tee vahete- vahel sirutuseks harjutusi. Ma saan aru, et Sa oled igal pool üks sale- pikk daam. Kuidas voodite pikkusega on ? Kas oled nüüd igal pool maganud ? Lennukis, bussis, paadis põrandal ja rongis lae all? On veel mõni koht? M&M

dea said...

seljaga on imekombel kõik korras, ise ka imestan. muidugi voodid on siin igalpool ylikõvad... nagu magaks otse põrandal... usun, et see ka aitab mu selja heaolu tõsta :) ... voodite pikkusega pole hostelites/hotellides probleemi olnud.. bussides/rongides ei saanud lihtsalt varbaid sirutada

magamisega on jah selline lugu, et viskad pikali täpselt seal, kus võimalus on. ega unega eriti hõisata ei saa ja uni tuleb täis magada täpselt seal kus vähegi saab. no rannas ja pargipingil ei ole veel ööbinud :)