Sunday, September 7, 2008

another sidenote :)

Our train to Sapa leaves in 2,5 hours - going to the train station now :)
Uploading pictures has to wait a bit once more - sorry about that :D Will try to fix soon (as soon as we have some steady internet in our hostel somewhere)

Hugs to all of you!


Ave said...

Hey you travellers,

will be waiting for pictures. Can´t wait to see how your eyes look now, when you´ve been there for 3 weeks already.

Take care and hugs, Ave

Anonymous said...

AHHOI ! Jutt on piisavalt atraktiivne, nii et pildid võivad oodata. Naudi uusi huvitavaid elamusi. Oleme elevil, sest kindlasti on see hoopis teine kogemus ja tekivad teised probleemid. Vahva, et suudate trotsida kõike, mis teele ette veeretatakse. Meil ikka sajab.. Kas Vietnami kliima erineb Hiinas kogetust ? M & M

dea said...

Ave - naaah, I'm wearing sunglasses from now on at the pics just so that Peeter can't make fun of my eyes ;)

Vietnami kliima - no Hanois oli t2iesti tappev kuumus, siin sapas on aga lausa jaheda v6itu... mul on n2iteks teksad jalas :)