Thursday, August 28, 2008

day 12 - general notes about china vol.1

I already mentioned that there are TV's in public transportation here - this is so convenient. Think about going to work in the morning and watching the morning news while sitting in traffic :) perfect huh :)

Wanted to talk about Chinese language as well. It was Kenny who explained it to us of how it works, he has studied it intensively for 2 months and speaks it to some level now. So first there are the chinese characters, each character can be translated to latin syllables - this is how we can understand and comprehend the language. Then there are 4 tones for speaking each syllable which means that each syllable can be said in 4 ways and each way you say has a different meaning :) Fun huh :)

There are wonderful snacks available here. First great snack we found was dried kiwi fruit. It is peeled and nicely sliced up, each slice is dried and packaged on its own in a little bag, yummi stuff. Then we found dried bananas - nothing special, just like we have it at home. Next we found some interesting orange round things. We opened the package up and at some, they were sugary and chewy, tasted very good - but we have no idea what it is :) We are guessing this is dried sweetened carrot, but this is just a guess. Then last night walking to the store we were caught by one guy who was selling nut cake :) It was about 20cm in height and perhaps a bit under 1m each side forming this huge cake type thing. We got a little slice of it, which ended up being quite pricey as the price came with weight. Anyhoo, but the cake consisted of chopped up nuts and something sweet and sticky, maybe condensed milk or something like that. The whole thing formed quite a solid mass, perhaps there are also some fruits or something else mixed in there - no idea, it tastes wonderful though.

About crime - as Kenny told us, it is quite safe in China. Penalties for small theft are very harsh and the prisons are probably worst in the world so there is not much crime around - just as Mart guessed.

When i asked about the movie theaters and how popular they are, then the local girl looked at me kinda funny and said that it is so much easier to grab a pirated copy from the street :) So that is what we did this evening - grabbed to movies from the street sellers, in English of course, total 16CNY. Movie tickets are between 30 and 80CNY depending on a movie :)


Anonymous said...

Vähemalt 16 inimest sai surma Hiinas Yizhou keemiatehases toimunud plahvatuses ja sellele järgnenud tulekahjus, teatas AP.

Seitse inimest on teadmata kadunud ja umbes 60 on saanud vigastada. Tulekahju tekitatud mürgiste gaaside eest on evakueeritud 10 000 inimest.

Õnnetus juhtus eile keskööl Guanxi provintsis Yizhou linnas. Tehase territooriumilt kostis plahvatus, mille järel levis tuli üle kogu tehase.

Rasked õnnetused on Hiina tööstuses nõrkade turvalisuseeskirjade ja ametnike hoolimatuse tõttu üsna tavalised.

Anonymous said...

seal on huvitavat Hiina suurlinnade - Pekingi ja Shangai kohta + väga põnev veel eraldi välja toodud nõuandeid, kuidas hiinlastega suhelda,-käituda, süüa jne

Anonymous said...

Dea, don't go to any chemical factory!!!! :D

dea said...

kristjan - ei keemia tehased kavas ei ole :)

peeter - ait2h info eest, otsin kohe yles kus see on ja mis v2rk oli ja kas oleme seal piirkonnas ka mingi hetk liikumas.
uurin ka sinu poolt soovitatud linki - suurimad t2nud!
a vietnami piltideni l2heb veel umbes 1,5 n2dalat aega - kannatust ;)

tervitusi teile k6igile!