Monday, September 14, 2009

Tasmania: Freycinet National Park - 14.9

Today's trip took me to the oh so famous Wineglass Bay and Freycinet National Park. We were picked up at 7:25 from the hostel, once I stepped in the bus I already saw familiar faces from yesterday :) So nice to recognize people and actually know their names in a strange country. Anyhoo, ride to the Freycinet National Park was about 3 hours including few stops on the way.

Freicinet National Park was declared in 1916 - one of the first two national parks in Tasmania (along with Mt. Field). Our first view point was looking over Wineglass Bay - one of the most beautiful beaches in the whole world (as selected by some famous publication). It was truly pretty, white sand, nicely curved bay and bright blue water. Next stop was at Honeymoon Bay, apparently this is one of the only places in Tasmania where you can watch the sunset over waterline (I did not quite get that, of how it could be possible, but that is what I think the guide said). Our lunch spot was at Sleepy Bay - beaaauuutiful place, rocky but just beautiful. Last stop took us to the viewing point by the lighthouse - very nice views from there as well. Once done with that it was time to head back. On our way we did stop at a wonderful berry farm for an ice cream - yumm yumm :)

The drive there and back was a bit much, but I was sitting up front by the tour guide so I managed to use my ability to ask a thousand questions about life in Tasmania and in Australia in general (pour tour guide :D, that was 3+3 hours). Well and so did he as he is going to tour Europe for 4-5 months next year and was wondering if he should stop in Estonia as well or not :) I think I managed to convince him that he definitely should.

Bit more facts: Tasman Sea is named after Dutchman Abel Tasman who was the first European explorer to chart this coastline in 1642, he also named the island Van Diemen's Land (later renamed to Tasmania in his honor).

Now some facts about Hobart. The background story goes that yesterday I was trying to find a place to eat around 8pm - nothing was open in city center, nothing whatsoever, all was closed down. So on the street I ran into one family who we were at the tour with - they were trying to find a place to have dinner as well. And then we ran into my roommate from the hostel who was looking for the bottle shop (alcohol store). She gave us a hint that there is a good fast food place by the sea called Mures which should be open. We headed over there and whaddaya know, another couple from our 11 seat bus was there :) Apparently this is one of the only places open on a Sunday night :) Now the fact about the town is that there are barely no residential areas in town - it is all either hotels/hostels, shops or restaurants. All the locals live out of the city center so the center is usually quite deserted as soon as the shops close down.

A bit about my future plans as well. As I'm going to be in California and close to San Francisco I figured to check what Jenny (friend from college) is up to. I have not seen her for at least 6 years by now, some time ago she lived in San Fran so I figured to see whereabouts is she located now. Told her about my training for 2 days and my plan for a road trip south after my training. Got a reply that she is back in California and is trying to see if she can join me for the road trip :) I hadn't gotten any reply on my following e-mails with all my flight information and timetable for possible road trip, so an alarming e-mail went on the way. AND I got an answer today - turns out she had been traveling and hence was not able to reply. BUT! In her e-mail I see she has already taken Thursday and Friday off from work so we have a long weekend for our trip. Already before she mentioned that we can take her car. As San Jose is just 1h from her house she offered I'd stay at her place or her sister's place which is even closer to San Jose. In any case, she said, she'd meet me at the airport when I arrive :)
I was about to fall off from my chair from happiness :) I can't wait to see you Jenny!

So the day was full of looking at beautiful beaches and short walks to and from the locations. And evening brought some very good news as far as Californian activities go!


Anonymous said...

Oi! Oi! Kas Sul on kogu arvude aastad meeles? Kui ma ei teaks, et Sina kirjutad, arvaksin hoopis ajaloolist raamatut lugemas. Kaunis huvitav teada, et sellise minevikuga saar on olemas (ja neid saari, kuhu inimesi viidi surema, on palju). Ammuta soojust et suudaksid edasi aktiivselt puhata!! Kalli M & M

dea said...

ma kasutasin jagatud voldikuid lihtsalt efektiivselt ära :) a ajalugu on ju niiii põnev.. ikka peab kirja panema, et hiljem ka mäletaks!

Ave travel said...

Põnev elu sul. Ja vahepeal, enne kui su tore Kalifornia trip algab, on sul veel Uus-Meremaal (millesse sa ilmselt täiesti ära armunud 2 ilusat nädalat. Lahe puhkus!!

dea said...

olen juba tervelt 4h Uus-Meremaal olnud... ja siiani on küll päris vaimustus sees :) Tulin just õhtustamast - võtsin sinu soovitusel kohe lamba ette :) nii nii hea oli! Kohe panen blogisse ka järgmise 3 päeva plaanid kirja!