Monday, June 18, 2007

Virginia, MN - Part I

on sunday we went to a fair, but it was raining and cold so we did not stay there for too long... nikki showed me around in the town, we did some shopping (i got the insect repellent with DEET :).. they don't have that in estonia) and ordered pizza for lunch :)

later in the afternoon we went off to see the land they own... 40 acres. originally it was bought with the idea to build a house there, but now it is just for recreational reasons... so ryan makes sure that there are enough trees and enough food for the deer (he hunts). ok, but so the baby gets packed in.. we all get in the car (ryan, nikki, the baby, me and 2 dogs) and we head over there. it has been raining heavily the whole morning right... so there is plenty of mud and water :) after about 20 steps i look down and what do i see: 3 ticks climbing up my right leg and 2 on my left one, i look over to my back and there are more! i pointed - nikki and ryan got them :) after another 10 steps the whole thing continued.. and we were walking for 1 hour :) i've never ever seen that many and so aggressive ticks before. although after first 5 minutes i felt quite comfortable flicking them off my jeans myself, no more assistance needed :D ... nikki got a good laugh out of that and asked ironically: "and you will be going where for the next 4 weeks?" oh but my shoes were performing very well under
those conditions, that i'm proud of.

we walked for an hour, took some pictures and checked the newly
planted trees and then headed back.. stopping every couple of minutes to clean our legs from crawling ticks.. yuk :).. once at the car nikki did the first round of getting the ticks from the dogs.. another and more thorough round took place later at home. and one evil tick even got me, but i got rid of it in the early stage all by myself :)

COLTEN: he is 7.5 months old by now and is the happiest baby i've ever seen... whenever he approaches me i'm covered in saliva immediately.. which is fine. he tries to eat my shoulder when i hold him and he finds my shirt and pants otherwise very tasty... not to mention all the drool when he is close by :) but oh darn he is cute :)

I have tons of pictures that i need to upload.. but i'm not sure the network here can take it :) so that has to wait :)


Anonymous said...

Tere. Loeme suure huviga kõik läbi, yht-teist saame juba aru ka. Piltidel all nurgas võiksid ikka ise ka istuda. Terviseid ja jõudu.

dea said...

no eks ole ikka p2ris keeruline ennast sinna lennuki tiivale istutada et ise ka pilvedega koos pildile j22ks :)

kuid eks ma anna endast parima... uuemad pildid on mul fotokal ja loodan need ka varsti yles riputada.

teilegi terviseid ja j6udu kah!