Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Cusco, Peru - part V

¡Hola! so i have had 10 hours of spanish lessons by now.. tomorrow i will have 6 more hours of spanish... and i´m trying to communicate in spanish as much as possible from now on :D it is neat... i´m thinking of taking spanish lessons once i return home. it is a useful language to know .. although i still think that french is prettier ;)

besides my spanish lessons i haven´t had time to do much else... last night we went out to eat with the spanish school people.. it was quite nice.. had the typical chicken and chips :) tomorrow i guess there is either a movie night (trainspotting) or salsa lessons.. will find out i guess.

today i did buy the train ticket to Puno, it cost me 19$... train leaves at 8am on the 6th of July, so this Friday (not Saturday as i originally planned) ... i figured that i´ll take the 2 day Titicaca trip once in Puno and then i still wanna look around in Areqipa and Ica so one day will matter quite a bit. i also booked the Sacred Valley tour around Cusco for this thursday.. it will take a whole day and i will visit 3 towns.. can´t remember which ones exactly... will talk about the whole trip once i´m in Puno already.. so saturday perhaps (since i get back from the sacred valley trip late in the evening i guess and then i still need to pack and friday morning i´ll catch the train early).

so what else... oh.. did i mention already of how incredibly cold it is here? brrr... i got a sore throat and once the sun sets i start freezing immediately :( it is sooo cold.. total winter.. and it is suppose to be the same in Puno and lake titicaca :( .. i guess i will buy more alpaca clothes :D which i don´t have any room for in my bag.. alpaca by the way is very close to llama.. alpaca is a bit smaller and has a bit different face (not so long nose). and here they sell massive amounts of sweathers and other items made of alpaca wool.


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Ahhoi !
Kas salsa selge ? Mida nad pidudel tantsivad ? Kas muusika on folkloorne või on populaarsed meloodiad samuti au sees ? Vilepilliga onu oli pildil, aga ei kuulnud, millist muusikat ta tegi ?
Pildid annavad palju informatsiooni
Sina andsid meile uudishimu. Külastasime Toolse linnust ja tegime "tere" emudele. Kalli! Vanemad

dea said...

heh.. salsa tundi ei toimunidki.. vaadati hoopis mingeid kohaliku ajaloo filme ja ma k2isin hoopis teatris ja istusin internetis :) kuid 88klubis tantsiti algul kyll salsat.. ja nii ilusti tantsisid.. p2rast l2ks aga tavaliseks tilu-liluks asi k2tte 2ra.. siis saime meie (turistid) ka jalga keerutada :)

vilepilliga onu tegi p2ris meloodilist kiuksumist kohe! selline folkloorne asi pigem.. p2ris metallikat ja madonnat nad sellega tol hetkel ei j2mminud.